• Maharastra 44, Bombay Talkies Compound, Malad
  • Mumbai, 40006
  • مستعمره‌های بریتانیا در اقیانوس هند
  • تلفن:+91 02228824159
  • فکس:+91 02228820748
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صفحه اصلی


Gaurang Electronic Industries is manufacturer of Electrical and Electronic components. GAURANG brand name is known for quality, innovative product, prompt delivery and excellent customer support in Indian industry and world over. Marketing is handled by dealer network in entire INDIA. Products are exported world over directly or through local exporters. Products range includes PLASTIC INSTRUMENT CASES DIN RAIL ENCLOSURES and PCB HOLDERS. CONNECTORS TERMINALS KNOBS BANANA PLUGS & SOCKETS TEST PRODS PATCH CORDS WIRING ACCESSORIES PCB CARD GUIDES etc. Products are used in manufacturing Electronic Instruments & Electrical Equipments that are used in the industries. Instrument Cases, Din Rail Enclosures / PCB Holders range is appreciated locally and world over. Instrument cases range was developed way back in 1984 as substitute of Metal Cases. We invites Electronic Reps, Distr., & OEMs for Quality Components Requirement.

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